Easy Guide to Switching Your Dog’s Food

Easy Guide to Switching Your Dog’s Food

Are you considering changing your dog’s food but worried about how it’ll affect their tummy? You’re not alone! Adjusting your dog’s diet can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can go smoothly for both of you. Whether your dog is...
Human Food Safety for Dogs

Human Food Safety for Dogs

Sometimes we can’t tell our dogs no when it comes to them begging for some of our snacks. Whether it’s Goldfish, Fruits, or just a granola bar, below is a list of foods that your pups can and cannot have. Foods that are safe for dogs include: Bread- In small...
Hot Weather Safety Tips for Dogs in The Summer

Hot Weather Safety Tips for Dogs in The Summer

Texas summers can be brutal, we have all experienced that. But summer is also the perfect time for new adventures and getting outside. Of course, you’ll want to take your dog with you, let them swim in the river or go with you on a walk in the park. But dogs can be...
Puppy Teething 101

Puppy Teething 101

Puppy teething is a super uncomfortable and sometimes painful process for your fur babies. As puppy parents, we want to do everything we can to help our pups through this process. At this point, your puppy is chewing on everything they can get their paws on to relieve...
How to Help Your Pup with Thunderstorm Anxiety

How to Help Your Pup with Thunderstorm Anxiety

We all know the saying “April showers bring May flowers”, but these April showers may not bring joy to your pets. Because dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans, the thunder is much louder to them than it is to us. Just like fireworks, thunderstorms can cause...
Stress in Dogs, and How to Help Them

Stress in Dogs, and How to Help Them

Stress in Dogs, and How to Help Them People feel stressed all the time for many different reasons and have certain things that help them calm down and feel less stressed. It could be yoga, meditating, reading a book, physical exercise, or simply confiding in a trusted...